
Anyone can write for African Liberty. We welcome compelling, thoughtful articles exploring trends, principles, African history, and ideas underlying a free African society: private property, the rule of law, voluntary exchange, individual rights, morality, personal character, cultural evolution, self-responsibility, and limitations on power.

We publish nonfiction articles that are accessible to intelligent lay readers. We emphasize the positive case for liberty in the political, social, and economic spheres. We avoid name-calling and partisan politics. The audience is general, not narrow or partisan, so the arguments and rhetoric should be structured not to exclude any potential reader.

African Liberty assumes primary responsibility for the packaging and presentation of your piece, including title and image.


  • Length. Preferably 500 to 800 words. If you have an idea for a piece longer than 1200 words, we suggest you pitch your idea first.
  • Proper referencing. Be sure to always hyperlink your references, especially when dealing with numbers or claims. Do not list them at the end of your piece. All references must be from reputable and trusted outlets, not Wikipedia or personal blogs.
  • Add subheadings. Subheadings help the reader navigate your prose. They also help you to organize your writing.
  • No long paragraphs. Digital reading is different from print. Paragraphing should be frequent, and a single paragraph should not be more than three to five sentences. Breaking up long paragraphs will greatly improve readability.
  • Write clearly. Be professional, but please submit articles in English, not academic-ese.
  • Lede strong. Your opening should grab people and pull them into the rest of the article. Tell stories about people and events that are relatable.
  • Bios. Please add your preferred biography. This will save the editorial team time.
  • Here is an example of a good piece.

How to Submit

Submit articles via e-mail in MS Word format, or Google docs, with the Title of ArticleAuthor Name as the subject line, to [email protected]
Please include a sentence or two explaining the main idea of the submission, as well as a brief two-sentence bio that we can use to identify you to our readers.


African Liberty asks for no exclusive rights to an article. African Liberty takes no rights from you but embraces the right to distribute articles accepted for publication in any format, including print, web, e-reader, and formats currently known or yet to be discovered. African Liberty maintains an open-reprint policy. We use the Creative Commons CC-by guidelines.